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Center for Engineering, Science and Mathematics Education

Website Update

Volunteer Teaching Opportunity for Splash at Cal Poly

Teach for Splash, a virtual Learning Unlimited program. For more information and to register visit calpolyslo.learningu.org

Splash is just one program under the organization Learning Unlimited, which hosts similar events on campuses across the country. Join a community of college students aiming to spread the joy of learning to local high school students in SLO county. We are aiming to bring more opportunities to build community during these times by hosting a virtual Splash at Cal Poly this spring! 

Splash is a one-day education program where college students like you teach anything on April 24th to high school students via Zoom, just like Splash but done remotely! Being a teacher gives you the opportunity to teach about a topic you are passionate about, to volunteer and give educational opportunities to high schoolers in San Luis Obispo, and to be a leader in your community. Be sure to register your class by April 1st in order to teach. 


·   April 24th, 9 am-5 pm PST 

·   Offer a class in a 50-minute time block

·   Teach anything! *


·   Register an account on calpolyslo.learningu.org

·   Register your class, indicate your availability, and sign the Code of Conduct. 

·   Sign up for a 1-hour Teacher Training session (more information to come later)

·   Teach your class on April 24th!


* Within reason. For more details on best practices for class topics, see the Code of Conduct

Questions? Email splashcalpolyslo@gmail.com (or hzahabi@calpoly.edu).

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