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Center for Engineering, Science and Mathematics Education

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Cal Poly Learning Assistants

Interested in teaching but not sure if it is for you? Try it out by being a Learning Assistant!

Oct 14, 2021

Learning Assistants (LAs) are undergraduate students who help fellow students learn under the supervision of a faculty member. Instead of explaining concepts, they ask questions to help students make progress by themselves. LAs have taken the class previously and receive special concurrent preparation, both on content, as well as on effective STEM pedagogy. The course instructor meets with the LAs on a weekly basis to discuss the course learning objectives, typical student difficulties, issues in facilitating student learning and to make sure they are well prepared to engage in peer-assisted learning. LAs will not only gain a much deeper understanding of the content, but also significant experience in teaching in a college classroom, particularly useful for those who are interested to explore teaching as a vocation.

At Cal Poly, LAs are currently included in:

Physics, Geology, Astronomy, and Physical Sciences


Volunteer Opportunity with Connect In Place

Jun 17, 2021

Looking for a fun volunteer opportunity? Teach a course with Connect In Place, where college students teach free courses ranging from “The Art of Thinking Like a Computer" to “Minecraft: Intro to Architecture & Team Building" to "The History of Rock and Roll!" Connect in Place has taught 400+ classes to a community of 3,200+ students, and wants to continue making education more accessible + engaging this summer!

Apply for Summer Session 2 (July 12 - August 8) here:
*Sign-ups close June 19*

Volunteer Teaching Opportunity for Splash at Cal Poly

Apr 8, 2021

Teach for Splash, a virtual Learning Unlimited program. For more information and to register visit calpolyslo.learningu.org

Splash is just one program under the organization Learning Unlimited, which hosts similar events on campuses across the country. Join a community of college students aiming to spread the joy of learning to local high school students in SLO county. We are aiming to bring more opportunities to build community during these times by hosting a virtual Splash at Cal Poly this spring! 

Splash is a one-day education program where college students like you teach anything on April 24th to high school students via Zoom, just like Splash but done remotely! Being a teacher gives you the opportunity to teach about a topic you are passionate about, to volunteer and give educational opportunities to high schoolers in San Luis Obispo, and to be a leader in your community. Be sure to register your class by April 1st in order to teach. 


·   April 24th, 9 am-5 pm PST 

·   Offer a class in a 50-minute time block

·   Teach anything! *


·   Register an account on calpolyslo.learningu.org

·   Register your class, indicate your availability, and sign the Code of Conduct. 

·   Sign up for a 1-hour Teacher Training session (more information to come later)

·   Teach your class on April 24th!


* Within reason. For more details on best practices for class topics, see the Code of Conduct

Questions? Email splashcalpolyslo@gmail.com (or hzahabi@calpoly.edu).

CSU EduCorps

Apr 1, 2021

CSU EduCorps Tomorrow's Teachers, Growing the Future

JOIN: EduCorps is the community of students dedicated to shaping the future through teaching.


Member Benefits:

✓ EduCorps Alerts

  • Inspiring videos, teacher talks, issues of the day, financial aid updates

✓ Events and announcements from your CSU campus 

  • Speakers, job fairs, informal gatherings, seminars, advising information, conferences

✓ Personalized Application and Credential Checklists

  • Coursework, tests, fieldwork, etc.

✓ Networking opportunities

  • Meet, chat, share with other EduCorps members


Continue reading CSU EduCorps...

Diversity in Ed

Mar 19, 2021

Diversity in Ed, is looking to place 5,000 teachers of color and diverse backgrounds in a teaching role in a school somewhere in the United States. They work with hundreds of principals and HR recruiters who NEED teachers for their classrooms ASAP.

Helping Teachers Get Hired!

DIVERSITY in Ed’s Publisher Vows to Place 5,000 Teachers of Color by 2021 School Year

DIVERSITY in Ed’s publisher, Trina Edwards, launched an ambitious campaign with the goal of placing 5,000 teachers from diverse backgrounds and cultures in school communities of color nationwide. This goal will help us to achieve the mission we share with our nationwide school partners, that all students of color have access to a teacher who looks like them or shares their unique cultural background.

Read the full press release here!

Continue reading Diversity in Ed...

Free CSET Workshops

Oct 3, 2020

Continue reading Free CSET Workshops ...

Upward Bound

Mar 9, 2020



Continue reading Upward Bound...


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