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Center for Engineering, Science and Mathematics Education

Website Update

Learn By Doing Lab

Learn By Doing Lab

LBDL: 5th-8th

Learn By Doing Lab: 5th-8th


image of Learn by Doing summer camp labimage of a professor with kids in a Learn by Doing labImage of Learn by Doing lab activity- an experiment with fire.Image of a professor with kids in a Learn by Doing lab

LBDL Offered During Winter and Spring 2024



Cal Poly undergraduates who want to have fun!  We encourage all students and students majoring in science, mathematics, engineering, and/or Liberal Studies and are considering careers in teaching.


The course, SCM 302, is designed to offer Cal Poly students an opportunity to use inquiry-based, standards-based pedagogical approaches to actively engage 5th-8th grade students from local schools. SCM 302 is intended for undergraduates exploring science teaching as a career and is an upper-division elective in undergraduate coursework or anyone interested in interacting and giving back to the community.


Winter Quarter and Spring Quarter (please check SCM 302 in the Cal Poly catalog for a description, and PASS for class meeting times/dates).


Guaranteed you will have FUN earning 2 units! SCM 302 gives students who are contemplating careers in middle school and/or secondary education a rich early science teaching experience and provides a robust opportunity to establish deeper partnerships among campus units and local agencies focused on improving the pipeline of teachers who are qualified to teach science and mathematics at all grade levels.

SCM 302 Learning Objectives

  1. Gain hands-on experience teaching science to grade students
  2. Gain an experience-based understanding of what it means to teach science
  3. Be able to critically reflect on science teaching
  4. Understand key features of inquiry based pedagogical approaches, including design, preparation, implementation, reflection, and assessment
  5. Be able to model inquiry based pedagogy
  6. Improved science content understanding

Who Do I Contact?

  1. Dr. Seth Bush
    Assistant Professor in Chemistry
    SCM 302 Instructor and LBDL Program Director
    Phone: 805-756-2746
    Email: sbush@calpoly.edu
  2. Christine Haas
    Phone 805-756-2859
    Email: cesame@calpoly.edu
  3. Sign up for SCM 302 in the Winter or Spring


LBDL: Gross Anatomy

Learn By Doing Lab: Gross Anatomy



The Learn by Doing Lab program is intended for undergraduates exploring science teaching or who want to build skills in communicating concepts in human anatomy to non-scientists. “Anatomy Ambassadors” who are selected for this Gross Anatomy section of SCM 302 engage high school students in learning activities using human cadaver specimens that were prepared by Cal Poly students!

The Gross Anatomy section of SCM 302 operates from 8:00am-Noon every Friday of the Winter and Spring quarters. Applicants to this Gross Anatomy section of SCM 302 must have earned a grade of C or better in a college anatomy or/and physiology course. Selection to the program is at the discretion of the instructor.

APPLICATION PERIOD: Rolling admissions for Winter 2023 and Spring 2024.

TO APPLY: Submit your application using this online form. CURRENTLY OPEN.

FOR MORE INFO: Please email Dr. Jones: mjones99@calpoly.edu

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